By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
Trisha Greenway made a mistake and didn’t deposit River Ridge Elementary PTA fall book fair money in a timely manner. She has been removed from the RRE PTA board and is deeply sorry for what she calls negligence and irresponsibility on her part. Greenway, an active volunteer, hopes lessons can be learned from her mistake.

Trisha Greenway doesn’t have many pictures of just herself. She submitted this one from last year, when she went through chemotherapy from January to May.
“I am not blaming anyone but myself,” said Greenway, who is a breast cancer survivor, United States Navy retired military spouse and mother to five children. She volunteers at each of her children’s schools and other organizations including Steiner Stars Swim Team and ViperBots.
Greenway was the 4th VP of Fundraising with RRE PTA and was removed after it was discovered fall book fair money was not deposited until recently.
“I’ve never gotten opportunity to speak about it or to present myself to the PTA board,” Greenway said.
On April 10, she explained what happened in an emailed letter and a statement of truth sent to Sue Bostic, Leander ISD Council of PTA’s Treasurer. Bostic helped the RRE PTA work through the situation, and was at the RRE PTA board meeting where the treasurer’s accounts and books and Greenways removal from the board were discussed.
She stated to Bostic: “Thank you for taking your time and personal commitment to amend this unfortunate and difficult situation… I am accepting this (board removal) decision with the highest regards to both the Leander ISD Council PTA and the River Ridge PTA Boards.”
“I understand the nature of this decision, and welcome the opportunity to discuss any protocol or procedures. I am TRULY sorry for my actions and behavior on many levels. I have rectified this situation with Compass Bank and hope to move forward with positive actions. I hope the Leander Council PTA will see my mistake as a learning tool for all others to follow,” Greenway’s letter to Bostic stated.
Greenway’s statement of truth was issued to Bostic to be read at the PTA meeting.
I am writing to the River Ridge Elementary PTA Board of the incident that is in question.
Back in November 2013, during the week of the Fall Book Fair, I was presented money to be deposited into the River Ridge PTA bank account at Compass Bank. The money was delivered to my home and handed off to me. The money was left in my home over the weekend. During the weekend, I had guests come into my home throughout the two days. The money was left by the front door in an area that was accessible to anyone who entered the house. The money disappeared at an unknown time. After noticing the disappearance, I did not tell anyone on the PTA Board. I was too embarrassed by this incident. Unfortunately, much time passed when my mistake was discovered by members of the PTA Board. Upon their discovery, I quickly tried to rectify this error by making a deposit in the amount of $6544.29 on Monday, April 7. I had every intent to return the money to the proper owner. I did not steal or misplace this money. It was negligence and irresponsibility on my account. I am at fault for this incidence.
A River Ridge Elementary Financial Reconciliation Committee was appointed to look into the case. Last week on April 24, Greenway sent the committee a statement, upon their request, regarding the book fair deposits from the November fundraiser.
Deposits were delivered to Greenway’s home each evening during November 11 through the 15.
“Each deposit was received in a large, clear plastic Ziploc bag, with the exception of Friday, November 15th. This deposit was presented in a blue shopping bag. The November 15th deposit was very heavy, containing a box. I did not count any of the deposits when they entered my residence, nor I did not make any deposits,” Greenway’s statement said.
Greenway also said she made a deposit on January 7 of checks and rolled coins and that the box was misplaced in her home.
Overall, she thinks the system of how money is handled through RRE PTA needs more accountability.
As of now, Greenway is focusing on moving ahead.
“This has been a major struggle for my family,” Greenway said. “I just want restoration of my family and my name.”
Greenway has volunteered in many local organizations over the past five years living in Steiner At River Ridge, she served as president and historian of the PTA, as a room parent since 2009, and as a member of various committees.
At Canyon Ridge Middle School, she has been a volunteer coordinator and part of the athletics booster club.
At Vandegrift High School, Greenway has been part of the PTSA since 2011 and has served as VP of hospitality and membership, and was part of the Legislative Action Chair & Scholarship Committee.
She has also volunteered with ViperBots concessions and football and wrestling boosters concessions. She has been a volunteer with Steiner Stars Swim Team.
Greenway, went through chemotherapy from January through May 2013. She participated in the Art Bra Austin Runway Model for Breast Cancer Resource Center and last June, held a community fundraiser for the BCRC.
“I know I need to take a break for now but I’d like to be able to volunteer again in the future,” she said.