By CASSIE MCKEE, Four Points News
Texas House speaker Joe Straus named Texas State Rep. Paul Workman (R-Austin) and eight other legislators to the House Select Committee on Transportation Planning on Aug. 25.
“It is an honor to serve the people of Texas in this capacity,” Workman said. “Improving our transportation system is a key component to growing our healthy economy and enhancing the quality of life for all Texans.”
The committee was created pursuant to a provision from House Bill 20 filed by Rep. Ron Simmons (R-Carrollton) during the recent 84th Legislative Session and signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott. The purpose of the committee is to review and evaluate transportation revenue projects, funding categories and project selection criteria, rules and policies for project prioritization and selection, methods of financing, and performance evaluation metrics and measurement tools.
Workman, whose district includes Steiner Ranch and much of the RM 620 corridor, said one of his priorities will be to find solutions to ease what he called the “horrific traffic gridlock” in Four Points.
“Residents of Steiner Ranch and throughout the Four Points area have suffered long enough from a lack of transportation planning dating back decades,” Workman said. “This is a classic example of the mentality of past leaders who thought that if we did not build roads, the people would not come. That has proven to be a huge miscalculation of the desires of people moving to our area. Being appointed to the legislative Select Transportation Planning committee will allow me to continue to push for more lanes and improved traffic flow along 620 and 2222.”
While he didn’t name specific projects or timelines, he said he thinks a solution is finally within sight.
“After years of pushing for it, we are getting the final critical feedback from residents in the Four Points and all along 620, so turning dirt on a solution to ease the horrific traffic gridlock is finally within sight,” he said. “I’ll continue my interaction with and listening to homeowners, homeowners’ groups, business owners, and business-owners’ groups so I can push their needs with county officials, city officials, local officials, and TxDOT in order to fund and implement the best transportation solutions for this corridor.”
Workman’s district includes the RM 620 corridor from RM 2222 to SH 71 in Bee Caves. RM 2222 from RM 620 to Loop 360 serves as the boundary line between Workman’s district and that of Rep. Donna Howard (D-Austin).
“I am excited to get to work on behalf of the people of Texas to improve the quality of our transportation infrastructure,” Workman said. “I am particularly eager to find solutions for southern and western Travis County’s transportation needs. The “Y” at Oak Hill, Loop 360, the Four Points intersection at RM 620 and RM 2222, State Highway 45 Southwest, and IH 35 will all be among my areas of interest.”
Workman also served as chairman of the House Committee on Transportation Planning during the 84th Legislative Session. He was previously appointed to serve on the House Select Committee on Transportation Funding, Expenditures, and Finance in 2014.
Rep. Joe Pickett of El Paso will chair the committee, which will also include Reps. Larry Phillips of Sherman, Armando “Mando” Martinez of Weslaco, Lyle Larson of San Antonio, Rep. Ron Simmons of Carrollton, Debbie Riddle of Houston, Armando Walle of Houston and James White of Hillister.
The first meeting of the committee was last week, Sept. 10, at the Texas Capitol.