Jennifer Moran captured the event on video and posted it to Instagram reporting she was sailing when she heard the prop of the biplane die, “and suddenly they hit the water, flipped and began sinking.”
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
The Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the biplane crash into Lake Travis on Saturday when three passengers got out safely.
The crash happened near Windy Point-Bob Wentz Park on Saturday afternoon.
Jennifer Moran captured the event on video and posted it to Instagram reporting she was sailing when she heard the prop of the biplane die, “and suddenly they hit the water, flipped and began sinking.”
The plane flipped near the shore, and it reportedly took about a minute to sink completely below the waterline.
Moran posted that everyone began boating, jet-skiing, sailing, kayaking and swimming towards the plane.
“But all three men got out before the plane sank. It was a man taking his dad on a birthday plane ride excursion over Lake Travis. The dad told me he’s been fighting cancer and the son told me he and his wife just had a new baby three weeks ago,” Moran posted. “Put life into perspective for both of them.”
After they were safe, the men were grateful for all of those who tried to help, she said.
One passenger sustained minor injuries, but was not taken to the hospital, EMS officials said.
Travis County Parks Department and Travis County Sheriff both responded to the scene.