The Lake Austin Collective, a group of citizens who live near the tract owned by the Champion sisters on City Park Road, has notified the city that the City Council’s November 10, 2016, agenda posting for the zoning change vote on the tract, which the Champions propose to develop, was inadequate and missing certain essential information.
Possible lawsuit looming
Austin Monitor
City Council is facing yet another possible lawsuit over a vote it took that may not have complied with the Texas Open Meetings Act. City attorney Anne Morgan discussed the matter with council in executive session on April 18.
Attorney Bill Aleshire, representing the Lake Austin Collective, a group of citizens who live near the tract owned by the Champion sisters on City Park Road, has notified the city that the council’s November 10, 2016, agenda posting for the zoning change vote on the tract, which the Champions propose to develop, was inadequate and missing certain essential information.
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