Vandegrift swim & dive hosts Black vs Silver

Photos by Yvonne Wong, Mike Clements, Lynette Haaland

The Vandegrift swim and dive team hosted its annual Black vs Silver event in Steiner Ranch on Friday with its team of 43 swimmers and one diver.

Teammates were pitted against each other during the event, which was held at John Simpson Park pool on Aug. 24.  

“The silver team took an early lead with a double win in the belly flop contest,” said Genevieve Walsh, head swim and dive coach. “It was a close meet but the black team pulled ahead after the 100 free and remained in the lead for the rest of the meet.”

“My favorite part was watching the belly flops because it is when the freshmen really become part of the team. It’s one of my favorite Viper swim traditions,” said Mason Wong, senior captain whose sister Avery is a freshman on the team.

Viper junior captain Caroline Denison says her favorite race was the 200 medley relay “because it incorporated teamwork, there was good competition, and it was fun to swim.”

The final score was black 181 to silver 151.

“We brought in numerous fast freshmen and have many returning region/state competitors so I think we’re in a great spot to do great things this year,” Walsh said.

Sept. 8 is the dual meet with Westwood at VHS’ home pool Bella Mar in Steiner.

Walsh has seen positivity, excitement and hard work during practice and says that the team is ready to start the season in its new district. The team is invited to swim against new competition at the District 11 Preview Meet on Sept. 20 in Round Rock.

“Our team is looking strong this year so it will be great to see our district competition early in the season,” Walsh said. “The team is looking fast and is ready for an awesome season.”