The Texas Department of Transportation hosted a public hearing on Feb. 20 to discuss proposed improvements to RM 620 South, from SH 71 to Hudson Bend Road.

The hearing included an open house starting at 5:30 p.m., with a formal presentation at 6:30 p.m., followed by an opportunity for public comments. The hearing concluded at 7:30 p.m. at the Lake Travis High School.
The purpose of the RM 620 South project is to improve safety and mobility along this heavily traveled corridor that runs from approximately Mansfield Dam to HWY 71.
Proposed improvements include:
• Widening the existing 4-lane divided roadway to a 6-lane divided roadway with one additional travel lane in each direction
• Adding raised medians
• Adding continuous bicycle/pedestrian paths along both sides of the roadway

Displays were available for review and staff was present to answers questions at the open house. Verbal and written comments from the public are requested.
Those unable to attend the meeting in person can email comments to or mail their comments to the TxDOT Austin District, Attention: RM 620 South Project, 7901 N. I-35, Austin, Texas 78753.
To be included in the public record, comments must be received by Friday, March 6, 2020.
For more information about the project, visit and enter “RM 620 South” in the search area.