Message from LISD Band Directors July 21, 2020
The current pandemic has created a situation that makes it difficult for LISD bands to operate in the same manner to which we have become accustomed.
All of us in LISD are committed primarily to the safety and wellness of our students above all other considerations. The need for social distancing in both rehearsal and performance settings, as well as the potential for reduced numbers of students allowed in any setting including transportation, has led us to make the following alterations to the participation of marching bands at HS football games:
• LISD band directors will monitor the health and wellness of their students and follow the guidelines established by TEA and UIL.
• LISD bands will produce a field show that, while displaying the level of musical and visual excellence for which they are noted, may be greatly reduced in length, demand, and other areas.
• LISD bands will not take part in any competitive events, including UIL events.
• The attendance and participation of bands at football games will be evaluated on a weekly basis. Decisions made regarding game participation will apply to all high school band programs, in consideration of the most current state guidelines on social distancing at the time, and in the interest of the health and safety of the students.
This decision is one that we believe will allow our students to have a positive and safe experience and will emphasize the core values of our band programs. We ask for your flexibility as we continue to adapt to our current reality.