By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
It’s back-to-school time for 8,000+ Leander ISD students in the Four Points area.

Classes for most began on Aug. 13 and are 100% virtual until in-person, hybrid and virtual learning starts Sept. 8. LISD high schoolers found out the night before classes were to begin that “technology issue causes LISD to cancel the first two virtual learning days.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the start of school this year. Social-distancing, masking and sanitizing are all part of the protocol at every campus.

Elementary schools have been hosting drive-up, meet-your-teacher events. River Ridge Elementary was no exception and greeted students on Aug. 12.
“We are excited to welcome back our Rattlers to the 20-21 school year,” said Shelley Roberts RRE principal. “Although we couldn’t have our traditional ‘Meet the Teacher Night’, teachers and students embraced our ‘Smiles and Supplies’ parade with enthusiasm, joy and excitement for the school year.”
LISD has 42,700+ students and 5,000+ employees spread over 200 square miles at 44 schools.
Districtwide, families decided which learning choice to pick once in-person classes are allowed on Sept. 8.

“We ended with 43,185 responses with a projected enrollment of 42,743 which means we had some duplicates or changed decisions,” said Matt Mitchell, LISD communications coordinator.
Based on those numbers, the overall learning choice is 45% in-person, 50% virtual, and 5% hybrid.
The hybrid learning option is offered at elementary campuses only in an effort to reduce in-person class sizes. This model will have half of the students on alternating days participate in-person and virtual independent learning leaving 11-13 students in the classroom at a time.
LISD learning breakdown
39% in person, 48% virtual, 12% hybrid
47% in-person, 53% virtual
51% in person, 49% virtual
Four Points learning breakdown
Vandegrift HS: 52% in- person, 48% virtual
Canyon Ridge MS: 49% in- person, 51% virtual
Four Points MS: 46% in- person, 54% virtual
Laura W. Bush E: 39% in- person, 43% virtual, 18%hybrid
Grandview Hills E: 35% in- person, 48% virtual, 17% hybrid
River Place E: in- 35% person, 51% virtual, 14% hybrid
River Ridge E: in- 42% person, 47% virtual, 11% hybrid
Steiner Ranch E: 38% in- person, 46% virtual, 16% hybrid