By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
A portion of the 7,465 Leander ISD students in the Four Points area started school this week on campus for the first time since March 13.
“I never thought I’d be so excited to see desks with kids in them, crayons, paper and pencils,” tweeted Bruce Gearing, LISD superintendent. “While you can’t see their smiles, their eyes tell the story. It’s good to be back!”
Students chose in-person or virtual learning, and of the in-person learners, the first group of students began classes on Sept. 8 including special education students, pre-k, kindergarten, 1st, 6th and 9th graders, students without home internet access, and children of staff members.
At Canyon Ridge Middle School, new principal Wendy Sturdevant and team welcomed 6th graders and with the help of Gearing, passed out masks.
“Students received their Eagle masks (thank you PTA!), blue lanyards to not lose their masks at lunch, small group tours and school procedure info,” Sturdevant tweeted.
Phase 2 will begin on Sept. 21 adding in 2nd, 7th and 12th graders as well as students receiving direct dyslexia services.
Phase 3 will begin on Sept. 28 adding in 3rd, 8th and 11th graders.
All other students who chose in-person instruction will return on Oct. 5.
Cleaning procedures, contact tracing, facility enhancements, and protective equipment are integral parts of the district’s COVID prevention and response plans.
Four Points learning breakdown
Vandegrift HS:
52% in- person, 48% virtual
Canyon Ridge MS:
49% in- person, 51% virtual
Four Points MS:
46% in- person, 54% virtual
Laura W. Bush E:
39% in- person, 43% virtual, 18% hybrid
Grandview Hills E:
35% in- person, 48% virtual, 17% hybrid
River Place E:
35% in- person, 51% virtual, 14% hybrid
River Ridge E:
42% in- person, 47% virtual, 11% hybrid
Steiner Ranch E:
38% in- person, 46% virtual , 16% hybrid