Leander ISD is enhancing security for online learning after virtual classrooms were compromised recently, including a 4th-grade Zoom meeting at River Ridge Elementary on Sept. 9.
“We recognize that there have been recent virtual classrooms that have been compromised in our district as well as school districts around the nation,” the update from LISD reads. “Due to this threat, we are adding additional layers of security when our students enter the virtual classrooms through Zoom.”
At River Ridge, according to a statement emailed to affected RRE families on Sept. 9, “the teacher admitted a person using a student’s name into the class. At that time, inappropriate sexual content was displayed for about a minute before the teacher was alerted and ended the meeting.”
“As a principal, I am heartbroken that any of my students, families, or staff had to experience this situation,” Shelley Roberts shared.
LISD protocols were taken after the RRE incident and law enforcement was immediately notified and began an investigation.
“Our goal is to ensure the safest and most secure learning environment where our kids can focus on learning and will not be exposed to content that is not intended for young minds,” LISD stated. “We recommend that families discuss the importance of staying safe online and look forward to partnering with our families and community in this endeavor.”
The district began implementing security enhancements on Sept. 11 and will continue to add additional enhancements in the coming weeks, according to the district update.
The option to require authentication as a district account is now available and LISD started piloting that on Sept. 11.
The upgrade to LISD technology includes the following:
- Attendance tracking
- Additional instructional tools
- Polls, annotation, premade breakout groups
- Greater control of security settings:
- Instructors can require additional authentication to join meetings
- Students would not be able to start meetings
- Differentiate access based on user groups
- Access to enhanced support from Zoom
• Attendance tracking
• Additional instructional tools
-Polls, annotation, premade breakout groups
• Greater control of security settings:
-Instructors can require additional authentication to join meetings -Students would not be able to start meetings -Diff erentiate access based on user groups -Access to enhanced support from Zoom