DECA will have 35 students representing Vandegrift High School at the Texas DECA State Career Development Conference in Houston Feb. 24-26.
“These extraordinary Vipers worked very hard to qualify at the recent District CDC and have a chance to make the cut for the International CDC in Atlanta this spring,” said Nicholas Benson, VHS business department teacher and first year DECA advisor. “Go Vipers!”
Also at the 2022 DECA District 5 CDC, VHS DECA received the Century Chapter Recognition for 100+ members.
At the end of April, 20,000 DECA members, advisors, and affiliates will gather for ICDC. VHS DECA has been successful on this level over the past several years, Benson said.
DECA state bound
Jai Reddy
Jaden Goelkel
Matthew Guy
Kyle Wilson
Sahir Ahmed
Milan Patel
Krishna Sura
Bryan Dam
Camilo Gonzalez
Wes Nickerson
Michael Vanston
Anya Bhandari
Arianna Brar
Isabel Cargol
Ashritha Chandy
Anya Chawla
Cynthia Chen
Myna Chilkuri
Anaika Eledath
Lilliene Hiduke
Anvitha Kandula
Nivitha Kandula
Kaya Kimball
Varsha Kumar
Uma Menon
Lyla Milam
Anoushka Modi
Inaaya Momin
Aanya Paruthi
Keira Patel
Rasika Patel
Naiya Rajashekar
Kelsey Simmons
Avani Singh
Lahari Suraparaju