Staff Reports
During its May 19 meeting, the Leander ISD Board of Trustees approved the 2022-23 compensation plan, which includes a 5%-at-midpoint pay raise for teachers, 4%-at-midpoint for staff, $15/hr minimum rate.
The Leander ISD Board of Trustees approved a compensation plan for the 2022–23 school year that provides teachers, nurses and counselors with a 5-percent-of-midpoint pay increase and a 4-percent-of-midpoint pay increase for all other staff. The full raise will take effect in employees’ first 2022–23 paycheck.
“Taking care of Leander ISD’s amazing teachers and staff continues to be of utmost importance to this Board,” Board President Trish Bode said. “These raises connect to our Board-adopted Core Beliefs and are intended to be a step in honoring our employees’ hard work as life-changers and acknowledge the financial reality many of our dedicated employees find themselves in living in this community.”
The approved compensation plan establishes a new minimum hourly wage of $15 per hour, an increase that will have a ripple effect up the hourly pay scales. With the 2022–23 compensation plan, the substitute rate will increase from $90 per day to $115 per day. Certified, long-term substitutes and registered nurse substitutes will also see an increase to the daily rate.
“In Leander ISD, we pride ourselves on being able to provide a level of education that goes above and beyond, and the children of our community deserve that,” said Superintendent Bruce Gearing, Ed.D. “That’s only possible because of the high-quality teachers and staff in this district.”
If the following conditions are met:
- The Board sets a tax rate to initiate a Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) of at least 9 pennies, which is the Board’s current approved budget assumptions; and
- The VATRE passes in November 2022; then
The LISD Board will provide a one-time lump sum retention payment for all eligible employees in an amount to be determined in future Board action.
“Passing a VATRE in November puts our district on a more stable financial footing and would provide the community with an overall tax rate reduction,” said Gloria Gonzales-Dholakia, board vice president.
Leander ISD compiled this information.