By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
Plans for a stand-alone Starbucks coffee shop are in the works at the corner of Steiner Ranch Boulevard and RM 620.
The site at 5810 Steiner Ranch Blvd. is part of a 3.94 acre tract on commercial site MU 15 West Tract. The one-floor, stand alone building is to be 2,365 square-feet, according to the filings with the city of Austin.
“There are two driveways, one on each section of Steiner Ranch Boulevard as it makes the curve,” according to Connor Overby, project manager at Atwell, LLC.
The Construction Journal website states that construction on the Starbucks is expected to begin in January and be completed in February.
“As of August 4, 2022, plans have been submitted for permitting,” Construction Journal stated. “A general contracting method has not been disclosed. Construction is expected to begin January 2023 and be completed February 2023.” |
The Atwell document confirms that the entire development is located on one legal tract comprising of approximately 3.94 acres on Steiner Ranch Boulevard, 0.1 miles south of the intersection of RM 620. This site plan consists of one legal lot which will contain a Starbucks drive thru restaurant establishment and related parking. The site is within the full purpose jurisdiction of the city of Austin, within Travis County.
An application on August 12 was submitted to the city of Austin for the site stating: “New construction of a tenant space for Starbucks coffee in an existing shell.” The status of the site permit states “awaiting an update”.
The application for the site plan with the city of Austin was filed on August 22, 2022 and its status is “in review”.
The electrical design submission for the Starbucks shell building was released to design among other submissions.
The Atwell document details the proposed drainage plan and utilities, etc. for the
The proposed development of a commercial building and parking lot affects the overall drainage on the site. While the proposed grading will shift the existing drainage paths for this site, the general drainage patterns and offsite flows will remain.
Water services shall be provided by the Travis County Water Control and Improvements District #17. This site currently lies within the WCID #17 service area. Wastewater will be treated using an On-Site Septic Facility. Electrical service to this property will be provided by Austin Energy. This development resides within the Austin Energy service area and existing overhead lines run across the rights-of-way of Steiner Ranch Boulevard. All required easements will be provided as necessary.