Photos by Bill Seitzler

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
Vandegrift Assistant Principal Jeremy Fry has a slogan: “Everyday is a Gift!”
But on Veterans Day, the former U.S. Marine received so much more. Covert Auto Group surprised him with an SUV to help with transporting his son Brady, who is confined to a wheelchair.
“I was completely surprised by all of it,” Fry shared.
He was told he would be recognized at halftime of the November 11 football game for his service in the U.S. Marine Corps. It was Veterans Day and he was supposed to waive to the crowd when his name was called at Monroe Memorial Stadium.
“So when I was told to meet Mr. Little at midfield, I might have been a little confused,” Fry shared. There he met Samantha Hertzler, a Covert Auto Group representative, and she began reading a script.
“It took me a minute to recognize (wait) ‘that’s my story,’” he shared.
Hertzler then presented Fry with a gift of a 2014 Ford Explorer. He was instantly filled with emotion.
“Then I was shocked to turn around and see my incredible wife and son and friends to share in the joy,” he shared. “I feel so humbled to have the support of my principal, Vandegrift, and the community.”
“We feel so loved by so many and blessed to have been given a car that will help with our family’s needs,” Fry said.
Fry’s wife, Tabitha, serves as the Director of Brady’s Bridge, a nonprofit that provides after-school care for children with special needs.
“Our son Brady is the inspiration to everything I do and why I strive to be a little better every day! His love for the outdoors keeps us busy regardless of the temperature outside,” Fry shared.
Fry has been a part of Leander ISD for over three years and is new to VHS where he shared “I am thrilled about the opportunity to serve the Vandegrift family.”
Prior to VHS he taught social studies and coached basketball and track at Leander High School. Prior to that, he taught and coached at Pflugerville High School for the three years prior to that.
He earned his Masters in Education Administration from Lamar University this past year and my Bachelors in Education from Concordia University Texas.
“I believe strongly in using my experiences from the Marines, coaching, and the classroom to build relationships while growing and supporting all of our students and teachers as they navigate through life,” Fry shared.
After giving so much to so many for so long, now it’s Fry’s turn to be on the receiving end and was given a vehicle.
“A huge ‘Thank You’ to all who made it happen, especially Covert, my family (you know who you are), and Charlie!”