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Five Vandegrift ViperBot teams compete at regionals
12596-Copperhead L-R Top row: Elyse Daniels, Anjali Gorti, Anamika Chinnakonda, Alexander (Anders) Bahrami, Cameron Hong, Gauri (Gigi) Suresh, Alexander (Alex) Song; Bottom row: Ashley Johnson, Allison Lo, Matthieu Peeters
4545-Ouroboros roster: Tharunkumar Ananthakumaran Rajeswari, Shriya Ganesan, Heera Harikumar, Hannah McRorie, Megan Nguyen, Krish Sharma, Ryan Shields, Ben Spitz, Ava Vanna, Sophia Zhang
Vandegrift Viperbots sent teams to the FIRST Tech Challenge Central Texas Regional championships on February 25 in San Antonio. Out of hundreds of teams in the region, 34 teams advanced to battle it out in this tournament to vie for a position in the Texas State Tournament March 24-26.
Vandegrift teams that advanced to regionals were 16311-Recoil, 6299-QuadX, 4545-Ouroboros, 7161-Hydra and 12506-Copperhead.
VHS advisors Irad Allen and Ana Lorden have been working with the ViperBots teams all year to bring them to this point.
“We are excited to advance to the inaugural FIRST Texas State Championships for a chance at advancing to the World Championships,” Allen said. “I am extremely proud of all the hard work and gracious professionalism our teams have shown this year. They are great ambassadors for FIRST Robotics and Vandegrift High School.”
The ViperBot teams advancing to state are 6299, 7161, 12596, 16311. There are 72 teams competing that advanced from the five Texas Regions, Allen said.