Vandegrift Theatre presents “Legally Blonde the Musical” 

The Vandegrift Theatre Co. presents “Legally Blonde the Musical” October 26 through 28 at the VHS Performing Arts Center. This award-winning musical follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams.

“Musical season is always so big at VHS. As I thought about how I wanted this year to start off with fun and positive vibes, the students really talked me into choosing “Legally Blonde”,” shared Jon Alonso, VHS director.

“First off, we have so many talented young ladies in the department that absolutely love to sing and are high energy. Secondly, fashion is on the students minds and is something that is shown throughout the costuming of the show. And lastly, the message of personal growth, being adventurous and facing adversity is something that I thought all our students could relate to,” Alonso said. 

Action-packed and exploding with memorable songs and dynamic dances, “this musical is so much fun, it should be illegal.” Go to for tickets.