Laura W. Bush Elementary supports Ft. Cavazos troops 

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Laura Welch Bush Elementary School hosted a school-wide service project on May 8 where students and staff filled and packed boxes with essential items to be sent to the brave men and women serving the U.S. far from home. 

“I think (the troops) will be really thankful to know that other people are thinking about them and that other people love what they do and realize that it’s really hard work,” Melaya Denkhaus, LWBE student leader. 

Families contributed non-perishable snacks, personal hygiene products, and handwritten notes of encouragement for troops at Fort Cavazos, formerly Fort Hood, in Killeen.

“My favorite part was putting the boxes together and spending time with the kids and working with each other,” said Sophia Valenca Kulikowski, LWBE student leader. “(The project projects) that we really respect the soldiers.”

The service project not only aligned with the school’s values of compassion and service but also prepares students to be thoughtful and engaged citizens. By packing care packages and sending messages of appreciation, the school community showcases the importance of empathy and kindness in creating a better world for all.

The service project promotes community involvement and social responsibility, which is part of the house system LWBE implemented last school year. The system builds a positive and vibrant school community. 

The system sorts students and faculty into five houses: Integritas (integrity), Animas (courage), Respectus (respect), Perseverantia (perseverance), and Amicitia (friendship). Older students serve as leaders and positive role models for their younger peers, creating a culture that values inclusivity and respect.

“I really liked hanging out with people from different grades and getting to know other people, and like being more friendly to the whole school,” Denkhaus said.