$1.3M released for $30M Grandview Hills ancillary building projects

Grandview Hills aerial shot

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

During its August 8 meeting, the Leander ISD Board of Trustees approved the release of the first $1,344,854 to start the Grandview Hills ancillary building projects.

The May 2023 bond included funds for new buildings for ancillary building projects located next to Grandview Hills Elementary – including the Information Technology Broadband Network Node, South Transportation Terminal, and the Plant Services Ancillary Renovation – with PBK Architects approved to design them and Bartlett Cocke General Contractors to build them.

The LISD Trustees approved the first Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) contract for these new buildings, allowing for the release of bond funds already allocated for this project as part of the May 2023 bond.

This GMP will go toward equipment, services or materials that must be secured well in advance and early project startup needs. Construction is projected to start later in early 2025.

  • GMP #1: $1,344,854

The redesigned support complex will include the South Transportation Terminal, along with a location for warehouse storage, a mechanic shop, and Information Technology Services’ second broadband network node.

South Transportation Terminal

Renovate a building adjacent to the Grandview Hills Elementary campus site to house a smaller, third transportation facility for the district. This will save money in operating costs by minimizing the drive time between neighborhoods, schools, and the transportation facility. 

Second Broadband Network Node

Renovate a building adjacent to the Grandview Hills Elementary campus site to house equipment for LISD’s network infrastructure. By adding a second broadband network node, the district will see increased internet reliability, decreased down time, and improved connectivity and speed.

Each broadband network node – serviced through different internet service providers – will be designed with enough capacity to accommodate the entire district. That way, if one goes down, the other can take on the full network load. When both are operating properly, they will share the load and reduce the demand put on either network node.

South Warehouse Facility Additions & Renovations

Renovate and add to the district’s warehouse facility located in the southern portion of the district, adjacent to the Grandview Hills Elementary campus site.

Combined Estimated Project Budget

South Transportation Terminal: $20,383,942
Second Broadband Network Node: $7,000,000
South Warehouse Facility Additions & Renovations: $2,798,150
Combined: $30,182,092