Author Archives: Lynette

Neighborhood Pop-Up Grocery project is farm to table

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News 

With the Neighborhood Pop-Up Grocery project, Austin-area restaurants like Cups & Cones in Steiner Ranch have been offering boxes of farm fresh fruits and vegetables for sale. 

This has been part of a COVID Support the Local Farmers’ Initiative. The program began in March and concludes this week, said Hallie Casey, supply chain program manager at the Sustainable Food Center.

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Local bakers are Baking For Good

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Forty two volunteer bakers from across Austin — including local bakers from Steiner Ranch — are going old-school in a new way to raise awareness and funding through a virtual bake sale. 

Austin-based nonprofit Baking For Good is holding its third and largest virtual bake sale this week to raise funds for Foundation Communities

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