Author Archives: Lynette

Texas will extend time that schools will be allowed to stay online-only, Gov. Greg Abbott says

Schools had previously been told that they would need to limit online-only instruction to the first three weeks of the school year, or they’d lose state funding.

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UT-Austin says it will keep “Eyes of Texas” as school song, but will rename buildings as Black students call for change

A Confederate statue on the University of Texas at Austin was removed shortly after midnight on Aug. 21, 2017. Photo credit: Shelby Knowles for The Texas Tribune
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Steiner community surprises mom-and-pop with over $9,100 ~ Local group says “thank you” to Cups & Cones’ owners

“We love you and ah… and we collected $9,100 to keep you in the community,” said Margie Aston, who belongs to the Steiner Ranch/River Ridge Buzz Bandits that was formed earlier this summer to do random acts of kindness.

COVID-style car parade honored Cups & Cones owners Rick and Kristi Nordin

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