December 15 2019 Issue

Former SAS site off Wilson Parke to host exhibits, educational programs
By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News
Last month, Travis County purchased the former SAS Institute property located off RM 620 at Wilson Parke Avenue, with plans for the grounds to serve the public.
According to Public Information Officer Hector Nieto, part of the tract’s existing 3-story office building will be transformed into a Visitor Center for the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve, or BCP, which is partly managed by Travis County.
A new bypass road will connect RM 620 and RM 2222 to the east of the Four Points intersection, improving mobility in this heavily traveled corridor. Elected officials joined the Texas Department of Transportation to break ground on the RM 2222/RM 620 Bypass project on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 10:30 a.m.
By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News
The 2019 Steiner Ranch Turkey Trot 5K and Kids Fun Run hosted nearly 500 runners this Thanksgiving, Nov. 28.
Continue readingBy K. Q. THOMAS, Four Points News
The Strawberry Hill neighborhood has emerged over the last several decades to what it today — a close-knit and caring community where many residents have expansive Lake Travis views.
Located west of Steiner Ranch and adjacent to St. Luke’s on the Lake Episcopal Church, Strawberry Hill has roughly four dozen lots with 26 homes and some under construction now. The community erected a sign in January 2017 at its entrance off of RM 620.