Category Archives: Four Points

In latest reopening phase, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott lets almost all businesses open at 50% capacity

The governor on Wednesday announced his third phase of reopening the state’s economy amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Gov. Greg Abbott announced reopening Texas in the third phase  Photo credit: Miguel Gutierrez Jr/The Texas Tribune
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Steiner parents speak out about discontinued bus service

LISD reviewing routes

The intersection of Quinlan Park Road and Steiner Ranch Boulevard/ University Club Drive is an accident hot spot according to Texas Department of Transportation data.
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A weekend of protest and mourning: George Floyd’s death spurs demonstrations in Texas cities

Austin police officers stand on Interstate 35 and watch protesters on the frontage road. Police officers would occasionally shoot into the crowd to disperse protesters. May 30, 2020. Photo credit: Miguel Gutierrez Jr./The Texas Tribune

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