Local entrepreneur acquires COVID-19 test kits that will help diagnose cases during pandemic

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
Vandegrift junior Hayden Warren has been creating 3D-printed respirators in response to the global lack of N95 respirators during the coronavirus pandemic stay-at-home order.
Continue readingBy LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
When a local group of Chinese-American residents heard there was a shortage of personal protection equipment for medical professionals in Austin, they organized a donation drive. The group of 45 families in Steiner Ranch started to collect PPE items by express delivery from overseas families and friends and then they donated the items to local medical institutions.
Travis County and the city of Austin extended the stay-at-home orders today to May 8 and also are requiring everyone over 10 years old to wear facial coverings when in public, according to the new orders posted on the city and county websites.
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