11000 RM 2222 was the scene of a fatal crash on July 22. Google Maps
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
High speed, a curve in the road, and the RM 2222 construction zone were all factors in a motorcycle fatality that happened just after 11 p.m. on Monday, July 22 near the Shell gas station just east of RM 620.
The Leander ISD Board of Trustees named Bruce Gearing as the educator to lead its fast-growth district, serving over 40,100 students across 43 schools.
Tessa (left) and Sharalynn Lantsberger hike Mount Kilimanjaro in 2017 with guide Fredy Tarimo
By ERIN SEITZLER, Four Points News
A mother-daughter trip up Mount Kilimanjaro created a lasting friendship with their guide, Fredy Tarimo, who came to visit his new friends in Steiner Ranch two months ago.
Texas Department of Transportation plans to start putting in concrete barriers on July 28 in four strategic locations along RM 620 between Mansfield
Dam and RM 2222. Map courtesy of TxDOT
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News Texas Department of Transportation is soon to start a half million dollar project along RM 620 as it will add concrete safety barriers in four curved areas of the roadway between Mansfield Dam and RM 2222.
The project is expected to start Sunday, July 28 and will cost $556,062.
The Fighting Eagle Award has been renamed the Susan Sullivan Award honoring the principal who opened Canyon Ridge Middle School in 2004. Seth Simmons, CRMS boys athletic coordinator, gives out the award in May.
A coveted Canyon Ridge Middle School award has been renamed to honor longtime, former principal Susan Sullivan.
Each year, coaches collaborate to select deserving athletes to receive the CRMS Fighting Eagle Award, which only four students receive — a boy and girl in both 7th and 8th grades.