Category Archives: Four Points

Arcis Golf invests in River Place Country Club with member input

River Place Country Club was sold from Dominion Golf Group to Arcis Golf in April. The new ownership/management company seeks to make some improvements to the family-oriented club this year. LESLEE BASSMAN

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

By the time this edition reaches Four Points homes, River Place Country Club members might have already spotted some changes in the facility’s grounds, with more improvements on the way.

On April 23, Dallas-based Arcis Golf took over ownership and management operations of the RPCC, 4207 River Place Blvd., together with all Dominion Golf Group clubs.

“We identified Dominion Golf Group as a great candidate that would fit really nicely in our portfolio,”  said Jim Oliver, Arcis chief operating officer.

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Four local Destination Imagination teams compete at Global Finals

A 5th grader from Steiner Ranch Elementary showing off their clock costume.

Four Destination Imagination teams from Steiner Ranch recently competed in the Destination Imagination Global Finals, nicknamed “The World’s Largest Celebration of Creativity”.

Held in Kansas City from May 22-25, Global Finals featured 17,000+ spectators from 45 U.S. states and over 30 countries. There were “Olympic-style” opening ceremonies with teams marching into the arena waving their flags and and closing ceremonies with awards presented. 

“At the beginning of the (school) year, we read through their rules, the scorecard, and the requirements, and we wonder how kids this young will be able to solve challenges this complex… and every year, they amaze us with their creations,” said Jake Leffler, who has been managing DI teams for five years. 

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Emergency route B official against many in Montview


By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

A dozen people, many from Montview, made public statements at the July 9 Travis County Commissioners Court meeting against route B. TCTV screen shot

Travis County commissioners voted unanimously to proceed with route B on Tuesday as the $980,000 emergency-only, gated evacuation road between the Steiner Ranch and Montview communities.

A dozen people — mostly opposed to route B from Montview — spoke to the county commissioners at the July 9 meeting. Travis County staff also spoke and gave their recommendation of route B and several residents from Steiner spoke in favor of route B and against route F.

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Volente swears in new mayor who plans to move village forward

Volente Mayor Jana Nace (left) takes her oath of offi ce from temporary city secretary Nanette Akinleye during the July 2 meeting. LESLEE BASSMAN

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News 

During a special called July 2 meeting, Village of Volente City Council appointed candidate Jana Nace as mayor following the June 6 resignation of former Mayor David Springer. With a full dais, council member Bill Connors was the lone vote for resident Steve Baker, the second mayoral candidate. 

“Our mission tonight is to elect a new mayor and, if needed, elect a new council member,” Mayor Pro Tem Chris Wilder said at the start of the meeting.

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