Category Archives: Four Points

River Place resident among 744 running for U.S. presidency

River Place resident Brian Newnan formally declared his candidacy for U.S. president when he  led for the position with the Federal Election Commission on May 23. LESLEE BASSMAN

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

With his May 23 Federal Election Commission filing, Brian Newnan of River Place, formally declared his candidacy for the United States 2020 presidential election.

The 23-year River Place resident’s declaration lists his affiliation as a Democrat and Newnan joins 743 other candidates who have registered for the race as of June 3. Newnan has no previous experience holding a political office.

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Biking to River Place Elementary enjoyed by kids

Rowan Neville, Matt Richman, Caden Thornton, Will Orth, Jeremy Scheinberg, Aaron Silva, Susie Orth, Luke Gilbert

An annual event called Bike Ride to River Place Elementary was held recently and nearly 50 kids joined in the fun.

The ride was grown each year from a dozen kids to around 50 RPE students this year, said Diane McGaugh.

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VHS graduates 647 students, shines with academic high achievers

Nearly 650 Vandegrift students graduated on June 1 at 8 a.m. at the H-E-B Center in Cedar Park.

Leander ISD graduated more than 2,500 students last weekend including 647 from the Vandegrift class of 2019.

“Is there a better time of year than graduation,” asked Dan Troxell, LISD superintendent. “I am truly inspired and honored to tell people that our current group of public school students – from kindergarten to this graduating class – is the finest collection of young people I have seen in my more than 30 years in education.”  

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Volente city council has been at an impasse

The village of Volente, on the north shore of Lake Travis, has been experiencing challenges with its city council this year. Photo source: REALTOR.COM

Gets quorum, holds first session since January

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

With only a handful of residents in attendance, the Village of Volente finally held its first city council meeting on Wednesday, after four months of missed regular sessions. The lack of meetings are taking a toll on the small community which was incorporated in 2003 and has some 600 residents. At this point there is talk of removing the mayor and another council member who are not showing up to the Volente City Council meetings.   

Mayor Pro Tem Chris Wilder confirmed, with the exception of one special-called meeting, the Volente City Council has not met regularly since January 15. He said the scheduled regular sessions of the council didn’t occur because a quorum of members wasn’t available.

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