Category Archives: Four Points

Justice served: Local break-in criminal pleads guilty

Frank Flores committing a crime on Aug. 26 at Steiner Cleaners plead guilty this week and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was the suspect in five Steiner Ranch business break-ins that happened from Aug. 22 to Sept. 3, 2018.

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Steiner Ranch business owners can rest easier now. Defendant Frank Flores, who is linked to local break-in cases, entered guilty pleas on Monday to six counts of burglary of a building and was sentenced to 10 years in prison on each case.

“We are pleased with a result that will keep the defendant off the streets for a few years,” said James Booher, assistant Travis County District Attorney. “We trust these sentences will give our business owners in Steiner Ranch and around Austin some peace of mind and deter the defendant and others from similar conduct in the future.”

Flores’ 10-year sentences will run concurrently.

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Four Points History Part II Four Points through the eyes of 63-year Lake Austin residents

“Captain” Tom Greene and “First Mate”, Carole with their treasured wooden Owens Cabin Cruiser. Christmas Day 1968

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

Crossing cattle guards to get to work and sending their children to school in Leander where they rode the school bus on country roads an hour each way was the way of life a half century ago in Four Points.

In 1957, Tom and Carole Greene bought their Lake Austin property — they had to drive through the Steiner Ranch to get to their house where there were no other houses, just land between them and the ranch.

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Travis County grows by 21+ percent

Travis County population increased 21 percent from 1,030,539 in 2010 to 1,248,743 in 2018. Source U.S. Census Bureau

By ANDREW WEBER, Austin Monitor

Yep. A lot more people have moved to Austin, the Census Bureau confirms.

The latest U.S. Census Bureau data confirms something you’ve definitely noticed or complained about in the last eight years: Austin is growing.

Numbers released on April 19 show that the Travis County population increased by more than 21 percent between 2010 and 2018 from 1,030,539 to 1,248,743.

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