Category Archives: Four Points

Steiner HOA board weighs in on “evacuation” route, Spurs “code of conduct” topic among board

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

The Steiner Ranch Master Association board of directors have been weighing in on the proposed Steiner evacuation route, although not all board members agree on the subject. That disagreement has contributed to a revision of the SRMA board member code of conduct and to the topic of  board member dismissal.

As elected officials of Steiner, the board has been fielding some questions from residents about the proposed evacuation routes including F, which has garnered most of the attention from the community.

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Hundreds sign petition against Steiner’s proposed permanent route F

A petition is circulating against the proposed evacuation road “route F” in Steiner Ranch, which Travis County is also proposing to make into a permanent road.

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

A petition entitled “Tell Travis County ‘no’ to route F as permanent road in Steiner” has gained momentum this week with nearly 650 signatures by late Friday morning.

It was launched on Sunday, Feb. 10 and had more than 500 signatures in less than 48 hours showing feedback against route F as a permanent road. The goal of the petition, located at, is 1,000 signatures, according to the petitioner, who does not want to be identified.   Continue reading

River Place Limited District gets push back on plans to charge for trail use, Some non district residents oppose high fees, exclusion in district vote

River Place residents Chuck Reynolds and Kate Holloway, pictured at the head of their Cortana Ridge neighborhood, oppose River Place Limited District’s decision to charge a fee for the subdivision’s trail usage. Although the couple lives in the community, their home is located outside the boundaries of the Limited District and, once the fees begin March 2, will join other outsiders in the assessment. LESLEE BASSMAN

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

River Place residents Chuck Reynolds and Kate Holloway moved to their home in the Cortana Ridge neighborhood a couple of years ago. Reynolds said he uses the local, renowned trail at 8820 Big View Dr. about three times a week, a practice he may need to end early next month when the River Place Limited District begins charging nonmembers $10 per person and $10 per pet daily on weekends to use the trails.

Cortana Ridge, as well as other neighborhoods within the northern section of River Place — mostly north of Merrywing Circle — are not part of the Limited District that was created in May, after the city of Austin fully annexed the subdivision Dec. 15, 2017. Aside from providing solid waste services to its members, the Limited District owns and maintains the subdivisions parks and nature trail, the result of a negotiation and agreement with city officials. Continue reading

Valentine’s more special with found engagement diamond

Alyson Horak lost her one-and-a-half carat diamond a few weeks ago and retraced her steps of the day. After much searching, Rick Nordin, owner of Cups & Cones in Steiner Ranch, found the diamond in the parking lot.

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

This Valentine’s, a Steiner Ranch wife and mother-of-two is more grateful than ever for her once lost diamond which was used nearly a decade earlier to declare love with a wedding proposal to her as a graduate student in San Marcos.

January 11 was just another a typical day for Alyson Horak. She dropped off her daughter, Emma, at school, returned home with her son, Bryson, went to Cups & Cones to hear Mr. Rudy perform, went back home, washed laundry and dishes, let the dogs out, hosed off the dogs after they rolled in mud, then trimmed some shrubs growing near the back gate.

The big surprise came when, after all of that, “I was sitting on the back porch talking to my cousin (on the phone),” Horak recalls, “and I looked down… and I noticed there was no diamond,” in her engagement ring.

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