Category Archives: Four Points

Viper Nation Education Foundation raises more than $1 million

Employees of security company SailPoint crowd the front entrance of their new building prior to the start of the Feb. 4 ribbon-cutting ceremonies marking the culmination of a three-year

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

The Viper Nation Education Foundation surpassed a milestone at the 9th annual gala on Saturday night raising more than $1 million dollars over nine years for local education.

“I think it is a testament to our success that we have been able to raise over a million dollars since inception that was able to be put to work in our schools to enhance the educational experience and opportunity for our students,” said William Farrell, president of VNEF.

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SailPoint’s $20 million, global HQ opening soon at Four Points Drive

Employees of security company SailPoint crowd the front entrance of their new building prior to the start of the Feb. 4 ribbon-cutting ceremonies marking the culmination of a three-year

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

Surrounded by its local force of employees, CEO Mark McClain led SailPoint executives in a ribbon-cutting ceremony Feb. 4, celebrating the security company’s new $20 million headquarters located at 11120 Four Points Dr. The project was three years in the making.

Founded in 2006, SailPoint helps large enterprises determine who and how their employees access information and keep their databases secure, said Abby Payne, HR vice president. About half of the company’s 1,000 global staff members are based in Austin, she said.

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Parke 27 to add hotel, daycare, shops, car wash to RM 620/Grandview Hills tract

A mixed-use development, Parke 27, has received city of Austin approval for a site plan permit on 27 acres at RM 620 and Vista Parke Drive, near Home Depot and across RM 620 from Rudy’s Country Store and Bar-B-Q, Taco Bell and McDonald’s. The project includes a 100-room hotel, daycare, car wash and other facilities to be housed in 14 buildings.

By LESLEE BASSMAN , Four Points News

A site plan permit for a 14-building, mixed-use project, Parke 27, has been approved by the city of Austin Dec. 26, with the developer required to provide building plans for all 14 of its structures before construction can begin, said Sylvia Arzola, spokesperson for Austin’s Development Services Department.

According to filed documents, the Parke 27 project is slated to include a 100-room hotel, a day care facility, retail space, a tire store, a drive-in bank, restaurants including fast food with drive-through windows, and an automated car wash on a 27-acre tract at 7710 RM 620 at the intersection of Vista Parke Drive in the Four Points area. The project is scheduled to be complete in 2020, the documents state.

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Local parents reflect on teacher Adam Ladner

Leander ISD’s Paul Smith, teacher and former River Place Elementary principal, worked at River Ridge
Elementary with Adam Ladner. “This one says it all. His love for the Longhorns and for his students. This was
at our River Ridge 4th and 5th grade track day. He pushed his student in her wheelchair for the 100 m dash.
Look at their facial expressions! Adam was a perennial student favorite.”

Adam Ladner taught at River Ridge Elementary in Steiner Ranch starting in the  2009-10 school year and through the 2014-2015 school year. Local parents share comments on what a great teacher he was after learning of his death last weekend.

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