Category Archives: Four Points

Oak pruning season is here Helps prevent oak wilt, Update on Steiner’s oak wilt case

Oak wilt disease is prevalent in these oak tree leaves. Courtesy Texas A&M Forest Service/April Rose, City of Austin

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

While many may be focused on Christmas trees right now, oak trees may also need attention as it is prime time to trim both.  

Experts agree that trimming limbs off oaks from Feb. 1 – June 30 puts the trees at a greater risk of becoming infected with oak wilt, a disease that cannot only shut down the system of a tree but spread throughout neighborhoods, changing their landscapes. Steiner Ranch has a case of oak wilt.

“I think the pruning dates [for oak trees] are really important,” said Don Gardner, an ISA certified arborist who practices across from Steiner Ranch on Lake Austin.

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Packed house for Travis County meeting on Dec. 11 in Steiner on evacuation route, Residents share feedback

Brian Thompto, Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association chair, moderates the Dec. 11 meeting with Travis County in Steiner Ranch. LYNETTE HAALAND

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

More than 150 people crowded into Towne Square Community Center  on Dec. 11 as Steiner Ranch residents listened to Travis County’s presentation about proposed evacuation routes, asked questions and gave feedback.

The project has been in the works for years since the 2011 fires that destroyed 23 homes in Steiner. The project was approved $2.7 million in funding in early 2017.

Lately the county shared that more funds are needed to build an evacuation road. That is one reason last week’s presentation from the county focused on route F which is the only option that also would be a permanent road.

Creating a permanent road would allow the project to be eligible for funds from other sources such as Texas Department of Transportation and CAMPO, according to Brigid Shea, Precinct Two County Commissioner who was at the Dec. 11 meeting. Continue reading

Evacuation route plans meet opposition, Travis Co. shifts plans to permanent road

Travis County officials met strong opposition from local residents during a Dec. 5 meeting in Steiner Ranch when the county was looking for community feedback on the chosen evacuation route called F, marked on the map in red.

Note: The evacuation route will be discussed during a special combined Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association and Steiner Ranch Master Association meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 11 starting at 6 p.m. at Towne Square 12550 Country Trails Ln.

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Local residents strongly opposed plans presented for a so-called Travis County emergency evacuation route during a presentation on Dec. 5 in Steiner Ranch. The proposed $7.1 million road that measures three fourths of a mile would connect RM 620 to Flat Top Ranch Road beginning near Westridge Park.

Residents at the meeting who live near the proposed road, which is also called route F, said they do not want a permanent road there.

Residents reiterated multiple times that they were not informed when the county shifted the scope of the evacuation road project to emphasize a route that could also be used as a permanent, general use, continuous road.

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Local student wins $100,000 from Dr Pepper

Local University of Texas student Alina Scarlett won $100,000 on Saturday in the Dr Pepper Tuition Giveaway contest.

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Alina Scarlett, a local University of Texas student, won $100,000 for college tuition from Dr Pepper on Saturday by throwing the most number of footballs into an oversized Dr Pepper can and winning a halftime contest at the SEC Championship game of the University of Alabama vs the University of Georgia in Atlanta.

Scarlett — a communication sciences and disorders major who will graduate in May —  was watching the Red River Showdown with her family in Steiner Ranch when former Longhorn and pro football player Vince Young was promoting the contest. He and another football personality were tossing footballs into the target.

Scarlett, who is also an intern in the youth department at Austin Baptist Church, thought the game looked like something she could do.

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