Category Archives: Four Points

10 Vandegrift Vipers sign to play at next level

Vandegrift Vipers signed letters of intent to play at the next level on November 9 at VHS: Top row: Josh Bedford (Ohio State, swimming), Abby Naden (Kansas, swimming), Kevin Sanchez (Notre Dame, Cross Country), Dylan Mulcahy (Stephen F. Austin, baseball), Brayden Buchanan (Baylor, baseball), Mackenzie Boyer (LSU, volleyball) Ellie Mattox (Dartmouth, volleyball). Bottom row: Mimi Burton (Notre Dame, golf), Libby Booker (Colorado State, soccer), Leila Cunningham (UMHB, soccer). ZACH SMITH

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The Zimmerman voted to be capped at 32 homes 

Applicants originally wanted multifamily zoning for this 7.63-acre site at 11400 Zimmerman Lane for a 150-unit complex. But Austin City Council voted last week on a proposal to cap it to 32 units.
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