Category Archives: Grandview Hills

Viper Education Foundation awards $38,500+ to teachers, staff

Grandview Hills Elementary’s Jamie Britt received a grant from VNEF.

Inaugural Concordia “Aspiring Leaders” scholarship

By COURTNEY JOHNSON, VNEF Executive Director

Photos by Michelle Beck & Kaitlin Paonessa

The Viper Nation Education Foundation made the rounds to local schools on Thursday to award more than $38,500 in impact grants to local teachers and staff.

William Farrell, VNEF president, and VNEF board members along with Dan Troxell, Leander ISD superintendent, and proud principals surprised 14 hard-working teachers and staff at seven local schools with big checks.

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Momentum building for RM 620 north improvements

Not expected in next CAMPO funding

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization is voting on May 7 to designate over $440 million in state grants to improve roads, and leaders say RM 620 north — from Mansfield Dam to Hwy. 183 — will not be on that list to get a grant this round. But leaders say critical awareness is being built among decision makers and government representatives, who are getting lots of feedback on the challenges of RM 620 north.

Despite high traffic volumes, congestion, fatality rates and failing grades from the Texas Department of Transportation roadway studies, “RM 620 north will not be funded in this (next CAMPO) cycle period,” said Morgan Briscoe, West Austin Chamber of Commerce president.

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Varsity batboy Chris Lucido gets his first at-bat


After seasons of waiting, Vandegrift senior Chris Lucido got his first plate appearance for the Viper varsity baseball team, which starts playoffs this week.

“I took some swings in practice and before the game (on April 7),” Lucido said. “I missed some pitches, but I got some good hits.”

Lucido has been the batboy on varsity for four years. It was a special moment for the team to see him step up to the plate before his senior year comes to an end.

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Local students walkout, Viper leads local efforts for gun control reform

Kyle Legg helped coordinate the National School Walkout on Friday at Vandegrift and he also built support and helped with the local March for Our Lives initiative. On March 24, he spoke in favor of gun reform in front of 15,000 people. “The message we are promoting is of nonpartisan, all-inclusive support for common sense gun reform,” he said.
Nolan Weinschenk

By HADLEY HUDSON, Vandegrift Voice

Friday marked the 18th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting and local students participated in a nationwide walkout.

Students at the following Leander ISD schools participated in demonstrations on April 20 in memory of the tragedy at Columbine High School: Canyon Ridge, Cedar Park, Four Points, Henry, Leander, Running Brushy and Wiley middle schools and Cedar Park, Leander, Rouse, Vandegrift and Vista Ridge high schools.

“All students were safe. We want to commend our principals, student support staff and teachers for allowing students a respectful opportunity for self-expression,” said Corey Ryan, LISD’s chief communications officer.

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