Category Archives: Grandview Hills

4 local students spell in regional bee

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Four local students were among 47 who advanced to the Austin Regional Spelling Bee on Sunday, an event that was hosted by the West Austin Chamber of Commerce and part of the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

Canyon Ridge Middle School’s Akash Shah, River Place Elementary’s Ninaad Nair, Laura Welch Bush Elementary’s Avery LaRusso, and Steiner Ranch Elementary’s Mary Kate Liechty all were part of the regional event at on March 25 at the Zach Topfer Theatre.

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RRE girl youngest to climb Kilimanjaro

“I hope I remember this for the rest my life. I wrote in my journal about it every day,” said Montannah Kenney, 7, after climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

River Ridge Elementary second grader, Montannah Kenney, 7, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro over spring break and stakes her claim as the youngest female to do so.

Montannah began her trek on  Saturday, March 10 and made it to the summit on Friday, March 16 with her mom, Hollie, at her side every step of the way.

Mount Kilimanjaro located in Tanzania, Africa and is the highest free-standing mountain in the world, standing at 19,341 feet. Continue reading

LISD, Vandegrift increases anti-vaping efforts, education

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

(The online edition of this story was updated March 22, 2018 at 3:18 p.m.)

The numbers of vaping infractions at Leander ISD is on the rise. This school year already, there have been more than 160 discipline incidents regarding the use of a tobacco product on campus, including e-cigarettes, and more than 30 at Vandegrift. Vaping is against school rules and it is illegal for those under the age of 18, and since it is still relatively new, LISD is grappling with the issue of e-cigarette usage on school campuses.

Vaping at school and the selling of e-cigarette paraphernalia presents a unique challenge to schools separate from the use of traditional tobacco products such as cigarettes or chewing tobacco.

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One family’s experience with vaping

Editor’s note: This story was of one student’s perspective. The student makes broad and general statements that were not verified by Leander ISD. Leander ISD’s spokesperson Corey Ryan said that the claim that “everyone does this” is misleading and not reflective of Vandegrift High School. Also, Ryan said “Leander ISD schools and employees promote drug, alcohol and tobacco free choices for students and strictly prohibit the use of those substances on school grounds and during school events. We encourage any parent, guardian, employee or student who sees illegal or prohibited activity happening on a school campus, including the use or sales of vaping products, to immediately notify a principal, teacher, coach or counselor, or to utilize the Anonymous Alerts program.” 

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

Chris doesn’t have any reason for vaping other than,”My friends were doing it so I did it,” starting in the 8th grade.

Now a freshman, Chris was caught vaping on campus. “They took (my e-cigarette) away and I got ISS (in-school suspension) for a week.”

The punishment, though, didn’t change his attitude toward vaping or act as a deterrent. Chris continues to vape on campus, as do all of his friends.

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