Category Archives: Grandview Hills

Hundreds Run the Ranch, help special needs

Some 400 runners, walkers and dogs participated in the 13th annual Run the Ranch 5K & Kids Fun Run at Towne Square Community Center in Steiner Ranch on Saturday.

The event was hosted by Hill Country Special Needs Alliance, which started in 2016 by Steiner families.

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VHS students, staff acted quickly on reporting a terroristic threat

Viet Quoc Duong, 18

2017 VHS grad jailed after posting threats

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Last week, Vandegrift students and administrators acted swiftly to alert the school and community about a terroristic threat from Viet Quoc Duong, a 2017 VHS graduate.

Duong, 18, was released from the Travis County Jail on Friday night after being arrested on Wednesday for making threatening posts on social media the night before toward the VHS choir — a group he was removed from last year.

“We are proud of our students for quickly and appropriately reporting messaging they saw on social media that involved the safety of our school,” said Charlie Little, principal at Vandegrift.

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Viper wrestling places 9th at state, Freshman won individual title

The Vandegrift wrestling team won its third consecutive regional championship Feb. 17: top row (L-R): Jon Jording, Kendall Holmes, Grant Riddle, Luke Sloan, Charlie Trujillo, Remy Jacops; Middle row (L-R): Head Coach Paul Muck, Dawson Taylor, Justin Orlando, Dakota Kleffner, Matt Sanders, Noah Gochberg, Jayelen Gray, Asst. Coach Andy Peterson, Asst. Coach Steve Fanara; Bottom row: (L-R): Ted Waugh, Cole Waters. Not pictured: Wesley Holmes (Sr., 220 lbs., injured).

By CHRIS TAYLOR, Contributor

Vandegrift placed ninth out of 81 6A teams at the state wrestling tournament held in Houston on Feb. 23-24. Freshman Noah Gochberg won the state title at 113 lbs.  

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LISD clarifies new cyberbullying laws, prevention

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

On June 9, 2017, the State of Texas passed “David’s Law,” legislation meant to address cyberbullying.

The law was inspired by the death of David Molak, a San Antonio sophomore, who took his own life as the result of relentless cyberbullying according to his family.

Motivated by grief and the desire to prevent more undue suffering, the family lobbied countless lawmakers, resulting in the new law.

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