Category Archives: Grandview Hills

VHS swimmers wrap successful season at state

Fourteen Vandegrift swimmers competed in the state meet over the weekend at the Lee and Joe Jamail Swim Center at the University of Texas.

State qualifiers were Kevin Hammer, Andrew Pickard, Sarman, McArthur, Shannon Bagnal, Julianna Birlin, Julia York, Julia Roberto, Addie Orris, Jasmine Bui, Sydney Srncik, Mia Thompson, Mason Wong and Tailyn Schaufelberger.  

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300-units approved near 2222/City Park Rd. Council approves Champion tract deal

By JACK CRAVER, Austin Monitor

By a one-vote margin, City Council on Thursday gave its blessing to the controversial Champion development. By voting in favor of the amendment, Council is allowing a 300-unit residential development to go forward, to the chagrin of many nearby residents who have vehemently opposed the project, which they say threatens an environmentally sensitive area.

Mayor Steve Adler, along with Council members Greg Casar, Pio Renteria, Delia Garza, Jimmy Flannigan and Ellen Troxclair, voted to approve an amendment to a 20-year-old settlement agreement involving a large tract of land in Northwest Austin.

The amendment was approved by Council in late 2016, but opponents of the project sued, arguing that the city had not properly notified the public of the Council vote. A judge agreed and struck down the vote, forcing Council to take up the matter again. Earlier this month, Council voted to postpone action on the matter.

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New Steiner community manager to leave, Community without director, manager

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

After two and a half months, the new Steiner Ranch community manager resigned and is expected to leave her post sometime in March. This news comes on the heels of the community’s executive director’s recent resignation and the previous community manager’s resignation.

Heather Hood reportedly gave notice on Feb. 9, former executive director Randy Schmaltz’s resignation was effective Jan. 5, he was with the community nearly three years, and Mackal Taylor resigned in mid-December, after eight years with the community.

The Steiner Ranch Master Association Board of Directors hires the staff who runs Steiner Ranch.

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Controversial Steiner Ranch tract set for 106 condos, Neighborhood association says it’ll cause traffic challenges

Mixed-Use No. 14, a roughly 80-acre tract on North Quinlan Park Road near the RM 620 entrance to Steiner Ranch, is being developed as a 106 homesite residential project. Photo by Leslee Bassman

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

One of the last open tracts in Steiner Ranch, designated multiuse or MU-14, will be developed into a neighborhood of 106 detached condominium homes, individual homesites within a condominium regime, confirmed Danielle Tocco, communications vice president of Lennar Corporation. The 4801 N. Quinlan Park Rd. site is owned by CalAtlantic Homes which merged with Lennar Corporation Feb. 12. On that same date, CalAtlantic filed an extension to the project’s existing site plan, city of Austin permit documents show.

Tocco did not provide information on the residential development’s timeline but said “the project has started and we have broken ground.”

“(The neighborhood will be) the last and final opportunity to own a home in Steiner Ranch,” Tocco said in an email.

The developer is clearning the MU14 site to prepare for construction of 106 condos. Photo by Adam Kristoff


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