Category Archives: Grandview Hills

ARC reports flu A cases high, Now flu B on rise

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

There have been more cases of the H3N2 strain, part of Influenza A, which some say is a harder strain to vaccinate against, according to experts at Austin Regional Clinic. ARC reports that flu A has been high for several weeks and now there is a rise in flu B cases.

From Jan. 21 -27 at ARC, 4,886 tests were run and 2,067 were positive for flu, or 42 percent. For the same week in 2017 at ARC, 1,310 tests were run and just 312 were positive for flu, or 12 percent.

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Another postponement for Champion case

By JACK CRAVER, Austin Monitor

City Council decided Thursday that a legal and political battle surrounding the Champion tract in Northwest Austin that has spanned two decades will be extended yet another two weeks.

Council voted 7-4 to postpone action on an amendment to a settlement agreement from over 20 years ago that would allow a developer to build a major multifamily housing development.

Council voted in November 2016 to approve the same measure. However, a judge ruled in September 2017, in response to a lawsuit brought by a group opposed to the development, that the vote was invalid because city staff did not properly post the item, in violation of the state open meetings law.

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LISD schools learn district fate after UIL realignment Vandegrift, Vista Ridge, Leander go to 9-team district


The six LISD schools learned who they’ll regularly play for the next two seasons when the UIL released its alignment Thursday morning.

Vandegrift, Leander and Vista Ridge will form District 13-6A, a nine-team district with all the schools from the Round Rock ISD and Hendrickson.

Class 5A will be split into two divisions based on enrollments for the first time this year. Cedar Park and Rouse are in District 11-5A, Division I with Hutto, Georgetown, Manor, Pflugerville and Connally, while Glenn is in District 14-5A, Division II with Bastrop, Cedar Creek, Elgin, East View, Marble Falls and Weiss.

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Local MLB players speak to fans, Vipers

Combined players won five World Series titles


It was Sept. 1, 2007. Clay Buchholz was making his second career start. Kevin Millar was entering the final few years of his big league career.

He finished with nine strikeouts, including sending Millar back to the dugout twice in the 10-0 win.

“It was a sick joke,” Millar said. “Our scoring report said he had a fastball, curveball and changeup. It didn’t say anything about him throwing to right-handers. Some organizations are good at scoring reports and some aren’t. The Orioles, at that time, stunk.”

Buchholz and Millar joined four other current and former professional baseball players at a question and answer session ahead of the Vandegrift Home Run Derby on Saturday morning. The baseball stars are also local residents.

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