Category Archives: Grandview Hills

Water district responds to customers’ high bill complaints, GM explains recourse options for residents

Jason Homan, general manager of Travis
County Water Control and Improvement
District 17, explains how a water meter operates

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

Steiner Ranch resident Nancy Phillips said she was concerned when she received her Nov. 22 water bill from her provider, Travis County Water Control and Improvement District 17. The statement showed about twice the amount of gallons of water she and her spouse consumed from the month prior, and near what the couple consumed during the summer months when their irrigation system was in use, she said.

“What was startling was the (November water) usage because, during the summer, when you are watering twice a week, you don’t expect to see the same usage in November when you’re not,” said Phillips, who lives in The Plateau. “And, as far as we know, we don’t have any leaks.”

WCID 17 General Manager Jason Homan, who is also a resident of Steiner Ranch, said his billing clerks have received some calls recently from district customers noting an increase in their bills.

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Demographer continues forecast for growth in Leander ISD

Area school district enrollments of 2016-17 vary in the Austin-Round Rock area. Leander ISD has added more
than 5,000 students since the 2011-12 school year. Source: Leander ISD

By DAN TROXELL , LISD Superintendent

Families and children will continue to stream into our world-class Leander ISD schools, according to the district’s recently released annual demographer report.

As the highest growth district in Austin — and the 10th-highest growth district in the entire state — our board of trustees, leadership team and community must continue to anticipate the challenges and opportunities that go with being a destination school district.

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New 620/Steiner Blvd. traffic signal lights up in weeks ahead

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Travis County and the Texas Department of Transportation have worked together to put in the new full-purpose traffic signal at the intersection of Steiner Ranch Boulevard and RM 620. Over the past couple of weeks, the signal has been installed and is scheduled to be fully operational by February.

“The traffic signal is being installed by TxDOT and should be operational by February of 2018,” said David Greear, Travis County Transportation and Natural Resources engineering division manager.

“Travis County provided funds in the amount of $250,000 to TxDOT for the installation, but TxDOT approved the installation and completed the design,” he said.

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Christmas, Santa & holiday art

Mrs. and Mrs. Claus had their picture taken with Cara Campisi and her daughters Isabel and So a Saez-Campisi and husband Sergio Saez at the Breakfast with
Santa event on Dec. 9 in Steiner Ranch, hosted by the HOA.

Dear Santa,

Santa I will not tuch my elf I promis. I mad my bff Charlotte do the riet thing. And how cold is the north pol haw old are you

P.S how miny elfs do you have?

From Caroline


Dear santa on Christmas do you Have fun? I wis That I can be A elf at nite on Christmas. I realy Hope that we can meet.

Love, Kellyn

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Gingerbread house workshop

Local kids enjoyed the gingerbread house workshop at the Steiner Ranch Randalls Holiday Open House on Dec. 9. Continue reading