Category Archives: Grandview Hills

Mulligan receives first “Change Your School” award

Kirsten Mulligan said the recognition is humbling, and while she is most certainly honored by her selection as the inaugural recipient of
Vandegrift’s ‘Change our School’ award, the longtime VHS English teacher also downplayed any signi cant di erence between her and her peers at
the Leander ISD school.
“I just do what I do. I don’t know any other way to be. It’s who I am,” said Mulligan.
Of the students who recognized her in a loud, raucous ceremony capped o by a dance contest between classes, Mulligan said, “They
see bigger things that matter more than grades or AP tests. Those things are important, and they’re a part of what makes our school great, but that’s
not really what it is — it’s our ‘mojo’ that makes Vandegrift awesome.


Friday morning, one of Vandegrift’s most respected teachers was brought to tears by something she would have never expected. The football team presented the first ever “Change Your School” award to English teacher and Steiner Ranch resident Kirsten Mulligan for the amazing amount of work she has done for the school.

The typical dance celebrations that take place on Fridays in the English hall took a memorable turn as Mulligan is the first recipient of this award, which is a tradition the football program hopes to carry on.

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New shopping center planned off proposed bypass & RM 620

This is the original rendering of High Pointe Village prior to the proposed RM 620/RM 2222 bypass project becoming a reality. The site is o of RM 620
across from the city of Austin’s Water Treatment Plant and near BBQ Out tters at 6715 RM 620. Nancy Bui, managing partner of New Corridor Development
LLC which owns the land, will have to change her plans as the new road divides her property. She would also like to see more access to her site
than what Texas Department of Transportation is proposing.
Rendering source: McFarland Architecture

Access to site problematic for owners and TxDOT

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

Nancy Bui, managing partner of New Corridor Development LLC, said she was excited to bring a grand 115,000-square-foot shopping center to the Four Points area when the group—that specializes in developing small shopping centers — purchased about 28 acres off RM 620 near the intersection of RM 2222 in 2005. After waiting out the downturn in the local economy and picking up the project anew in 2011, city of Austin approved site plans for High Pointe Village, including two buildings of 25,000-square-foot each; three pad sites totaling 14,500-square-feet; and a 44,000-square-foot building that attracted a lease from a Georgia-based high-end movie theater company.

However, those plans are on hold following discussions between New Corridor and Texas Department of Transportation regarding the proposed bypass or connector road from RM 620 to RM 2222 that Bui said will involve taking right of way off New Corridor’s parcel; decrease the building space; and offer only one unsignalized entrance to the development from an already congested RM 620. In addition, the bypass will divide her property.

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Community speaks at TxDOT public hearing last week

TxDOT brought RM 620/RM 2222 bypass maps to last week’s meeting.

  • Members of the community talked with Texas Department of Transportation offcials about the proposed RM
    2222/RM 620 bypass plans.

    TxDOT brought RM 620/RM 2222 maps, drawings and other project information for the public to study during
    the open house.





By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Nearly 200 attendees turned out for the Texas Department of Transportation open house and public hearing on Oct. 26 to see maps and hear plans about the proposed bypass road and other mobility improvements to RM 2222 and RM 620. Continue reading

Viper tennis advances to state

The Vandegrift tennis team advances to state with the help of three seniors (sitting L-R) Synclair Larson, Arvind Venkatesan
and Kailey Chase.

By LOU CUSANO, Contributor

The Vandegrift tennis team claimed its first 6A Region IV championship last week, Oct. 26 and 27, in San Antonio and advances to the 6A State Championships this week.

The No. 8 ranked 6A Vandegrift team topped off a season of hard fought battles against 6A District 25 rivals Westlake and Lake Travis high schools. After losing 9-10 in a regular season match, the Viper squad defeated Westlake 10-6 in the District 25 semifinals and then beat the No. 6 ranked Westlake team 10-3 in the Region IV quarterfinals.

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Trunk-or-Treat ushers in Halloween

Everything but the kitchen sink! Their costumes my be wildly different, but these trick or treaters all came to the annual Steiner Ranch Trunk or Treat event for the same reason: free candy! Front row, from left: Brandon Day, Jordy Dwyer, Joshua Day, Megan Gary, Emily Jones and Judson Dwyer. Back row, from left: Mandy Gary, Mitch Gary, Erik Osvorg and Elijah Jones

Skeletons, super heros, hot dogs, princesses, puppy dogs and warriors were just a few of the characters attending Trunk-or-Treat on Sunday in Steiner Ranch. Local businesses, Girl Scout troops, nonprofits and churches loaded their trunks full of treats and handed out candy and other goodies to the hundreds of  participants. The festivities, hosted by the Steiner Ranch HOA, also included face painting, balloon animals, train rides and bounce houses.   

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