Kirsten Mulligan said the recognition is humbling, and while she is most certainly honored by her selection as the inaugural recipient of
Vandegrift’s ‘Change our School’ award, the longtime VHS English teacher also downplayed any signi cant di erence between her and her peers at
the Leander ISD school.
“I just do what I do. I don’t know any other way to be. It’s who I am,” said Mulligan.
Of the students who recognized her in a loud, raucous ceremony capped o by a dance contest between classes, Mulligan said, “They
see bigger things that matter more than grades or AP tests. Those things are important, and they’re a part of what makes our school great, but that’s
not really what it is — it’s our ‘mojo’ that makes Vandegrift awesome.
Friday morning, one of Vandegrift’s most respected teachers was brought to tears by something she would have never expected. The football team presented the first ever “Change Your School” award to English teacher and Steiner Ranch resident Kirsten Mulligan for the amazing amount of work she has done for the school.
The typical dance celebrations that take place on Fridays in the English hall took a memorable turn as Mulligan is the first recipient of this award, which is a tradition the football program hopes to carry on.