A photo from last season when Kartik Akkihal played on the Vandegrift Viper football team. Akkihal family L-R
Shiva (dad) Kartik (Vandegrift 2018 grad), Priya (mom) and Gita (sister).
By ERIN SEITZLER, Four Points News
Vandegrift Viper 2018 graduate Kartik Akkihal is playing Longhorn football this season for the University of Texas.
“The program is great and the family atmosphere is like nothing I’ve ever been a part of,” said Akkihal, whose family lives in Steiner Ranch. “They really go above and beyond to make sure it’s a family, and it starts at the top with Coach Herman.”
As a first-year wide receiver walk-on, Akkihal said the experience has been very positive.