Category Archives: Grandview Hills

Pair of Vandy athletes to embark on Pac-12 journeys
By CARSON FIELD, Four Points News
Over the past few years, Vandegrift has established itself as a stepping stone for NCAA careers, and that did not change this year.
Vandegrift’s Alex Stadthaus and Justin Moore are two of the most successful athletes in the class of 2018. In January, Stadthaus committed to University of Southern California for football, and in late March, Moore chose to play baseball at Stanford University.
While Stadthaus ultimately chose to be a Trojan, he had multiple other prestigious offers — from Cal, UCLA and Rice.

Vipers create handmade dresses for Nicaraguan kids
Four Points News
Students from Vandegrift have gathered their skills and pillowcases to create dresses, all of them to be donated to students with special needs in Nicaragua. Working together with the Nicaragua Resource Network, a Christian organization, the fashion design students of Deanna Bentley’s class will be delivering around 55 dresses to girls out of the country.
Fashion design was a new course for Vandegrift last year.
“I knew I wanted to implement a service project into the curriculum. What I didn’t know is how committed the students would be to the need that was presented to them,” Bentley said. “This generation of kids is very service driven. Give them a need and they run with it.”
Vandegrift is biggest school in LISD this year

The Vandegrift band and Vision Dance Co. are prepared to get back to school as they practice their new marching routine for the upcoming fall competition season. Practices have been going on for the last several weeks. HARSHITA AVIRNENI
Students, campus, programs, staff all growing
Four Points News
Vandegrift is now the biggest school in Leander ISD and as it kicks off the new school year with over 2,700 students and 214 staffers. Campus expansion will be the biggest change coming down the pike now that the bleachers have added thousands of more seats and the new jumbotron has been installed. Additionally implementing the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program into the curriculum this year and adding about 40 new employees are other big changes at VHS.
“I am looking forward having more time to spend with the kids and figuring out ways to keep it feeling like a small campus even though we are growing,” said Charlie Little, principal at VHS. He has a freshman of his own at the school this year.

Emergency evacuation route from Steiner expected by 2020
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
The Steiner Ranch area has more than 5,000 homes and in case of an emergency evacuation, many residents feel there should be more than two roads in and out of the community.
“I think we need additional routes out. With the terrain and preserve, we’re certainly limited with options,” said Bill Rosenberg, Steiner resident for 12 years.
Since the 2011 wildfires that destroyed 23 homes in Steiner, many in the community say they need a better way to evacuate.