Kyle Legg helped coordinate the National School Walkout on Friday at Vandegrift and he also built support and helped with the local March for Our Lives initiative. On March 24, he spoke in favor of gun reform in front of 15,000 people. “The message we are promoting is of nonpartisan, all-inclusive support for common sense gun reform,” he said.
Nolan Weinschenk
By HADLEY HUDSON, Vandegrift Voice
Friday marked the 18th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting and local students participated in a nationwide walkout.
Students at the following Leander ISD schools participated in demonstrations on April 20 in memory of the tragedy at Columbine High School: Canyon Ridge, Cedar Park, Four Points, Henry, Leander, Running Brushy and Wiley middle schools and Cedar Park, Leander, Rouse, Vandegrift and Vista Ridge high schools.
“All students were safe. We want to commend our principals, student support staff and teachers for allowing students a respectful opportunity for self-expression,” said Corey Ryan, LISD’s chief communications officer.
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