During the upcoming roadway improvements, a raised center median with turn bays will be added along RM 2222 to control turning movements to local businesses and minimize disruptions to through-traffic, according to Texas Department of Transportation documents. Source TxDOT
Proposed medians may hinder the ability for some local shop owners to earn a living
By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News
Skot Ingram, owner of Skotz Inc., a welding company that fronts RM 2222 near RM 620 in Austin, said he remembers when his shop was the first building in Four Points. That was in 1967. Now, Ingram said a proposed roadway project along RM 2222 set to be complete in 2019 will render his company ineffective, forcing him to move to a new location outside city boundaries and beyond the reach of Austin bureaucracy.
“We’ve been here for 50 years,” he said. “I’m sort of the old-timer out here. The first concrete (of the Skotz building) I poured myself. Bobby Ray’s Texaco was on the corner. Mr. Little’s Gulf (gas station) was across the street. I was the biggest building (in Four Points) until 3M came in. (RM) 620 was a two-lane road.”
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