Category Archives: Steiner Ranch

Christmas, Santa & holiday art

Mrs. and Mrs. Claus had their picture taken with Cara Campisi and her daughters Isabel and So a Saez-Campisi and husband Sergio Saez at the Breakfast with
Santa event on Dec. 9 in Steiner Ranch, hosted by the HOA.

Dear Santa,

Santa I will not tuch my elf I promis. I mad my bff Charlotte do the riet thing. And how cold is the north pol haw old are you

P.S how miny elfs do you have?

From Caroline


Dear santa on Christmas do you Have fun? I wis That I can be A elf at nite on Christmas. I realy Hope that we can meet.

Love, Kellyn

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Gingerbread house workshop

Local kids enjoyed the gingerbread house workshop at the Steiner Ranch Randalls Holiday Open House on Dec. 9. Continue reading

WCID 17 customers: New $5 monthly fee starts January

Mickey Decker-Mitchell, WCID 17 board vice president, responds to a customer’s question regarding the need for a $5 monthly fee added to district bills.

District GM says fees go toward RM 620 roadwork

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

Residents within the jurisdiction of Water Control and Improvement District 17 are slated to see a $5 fee on their next billing cycle in January, a charge that will remain on district bills for the next six years.

During a Dec. 7 town hall meeting at its offices, 3812 Eck Lane, Austin, WCID 17 General Manager Jason Homan said board members enacted the charge, labeled as TxDOT 620 Fee, as a result of the district’s costs to move its water and wastewater lines in conjunction with Texas Department of Transportation’s project to improve RM 620. TxDOT completed a feasibility study this spring that showed improvements to the roadway were necessary to decrease vehicle accidents and improve travel time as well as quality of life for area residents, he said.

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LWBE artwork on Bush Presidential Center tree

The George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas contacted Amber Gordon, Laura W. Bush Elementary art educator, for help decorating one of the center’s trees.

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SRMA board in deadlock on voting on new director and management shift

SRMA board votes to extend Steiner office hours

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Although the Steiner Ranch Master Association Board of Directors voted to extend the business hours of the Steiner HOA office at the board’s Nov. 28 meeting, the board was split and no action was taken on two important topics: voting in another director for Steiner District 4 and on next steps to consider third party management.

The HOA board is divided and in a deadlock on several initiatives. In general, Naren Chilukuri, Amy Colton and Rekha Garapati are advocating for changes in the HOA management structure and exploring ideas of third party management which they say could lead to cost savings and efficiencies, and Robby Roberts, Dave Doman and Erika Fletcher had been advocating to slow down the process to consider outside management, to gather more information about a potential shift, and to review and refine the current structure. At this meeting for the first time, they spoke of a shift to table this topic until the next election of board members in April. They said that is what they believe their constituents want.
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