Category Archives: Steiner Ranch

Lake Austin group sues city over open meetings

Austin Monitor


A group of Lake Austin homeowners on Monday sued the city of Austin, claiming that the city’s notice concerning the zoning and waiver of environmental regulations on what is known as the Champion tract off of RM 2222, was inadequate and therefore violated the Texas Open Meetings Act.

According to the lawsuit filed by the Lake Austin Collective Inc., when City Council approved new zoning for the tract on City Park Road on Nov. 10, the notice failed to mention that it would also be approving waivers of environmental regulations as well as the Hill Country Roadway Ordinance.

As the Austin Monitor reported in April, the group notified the city of its intention to sue and gave council 45 days to post the item on its agenda again with notice of the pertinent waivers. However, the city failed to do so.

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Lightning strikes Steiner home

Lake Travis Fire Rescue responded to a call about a lightning strike hitting this home on Indigo Waters Drive in Steiner Ranch on Saturday night.




Four Points News

Just before 10 p.m. on Saturday night, Tatum Sapinoro and her daughter Jaedyn were sitting at the kitchen table listening to the storms outside when a lightning bolt struck their house.

There were two close, intense lightning strikes but it was the one closest to 10 p.m. that hit them.

“It sounded like a gunshot sound,” Tatum said. “But it was more than what we heard — you could feel it too.”

“It was like a big surge of energy you could feel,” Jaedyn said. “It was so unexpected.”

They lost power to half of the house.

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LISD urgently seeks community support for second access road to VHS

The second access road behind Vandegrift would cost over $15 million and be one mile with a 100-foot right of way and an 800-foot bridge to protect habitat below.

Launches #BuildTheRoad campaign  

Four Points News

Leander ISD is seeking the community’s involvement and support in its biggest push to build a second access road to Vandegrift. It launched the #BuildTheRoad social media campaign last week in an effort to get Washington D.C. lawmakers’ attention on the proposed one-mile, $15 million-plus road.

At its public forum at VHS on May 30, LISD reminded the audience of the proposed second access road that LISD and the Four Points Traffic Committee has been working on since February 2013.

More than 3,700 students and staff use VHS and Four Points Middle School and currently, the only road into and out of those campuses is off of McNeil Drive. That leads to a bottleneck of traffic especially at the intersection of RM 2222.

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#BuildTheRoad – LISD seeks help to reach lawmakers to build 2nd road to Vandegrift

We Need Your Help

Leander ISD has already reached out to lawmakers, and now we need the community’s help in promoting this topic, too. We’re asking you to take the time to contact these lawmakers over these next couple of weeks — on social media, by writing a letter or email, by calling their office — to request that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service work with LISD to find a solution.


Listed below are a few sample Tweets to help you get started and contact information for these representatives.
Sample Tweets:

    • .@RepMcCaul We need your help to #BuildTheRoad to VHS & FPMS in @LeanderISD! #StudentSafety #myLISD


    • .@RogerWilliamsTX Help students get to school safely. #BuildTheRoad to VHS & FPMS in @LeanderISD! #StudentSafety #myLISD


    .@SenTedCruz Please help us #BuildTheRoad to VHS & FPMS to greatly improve #StudentSafety in @LeanderISD! #myLISD


Congressman Michael McCaul
Email him through his website
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Tweet at him on Twitter @RepMcCaul
Call him at 202-225-2401
Write to 2001 Rayburn HOB, Washington DC, 20515
Congressman John Carter
Email him through his website
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Call him at 202-225-3864
Write to 2110 Rayburn HOB, Washington DC, 20515
Senator John Cornyn
Email him through his website
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Call him at 202-224-2934
Write to 517 Hart SOB, Washington DC, 20510
Senator Ted Cruz
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Call him at 202-224-5922
Write to 404 Russell SOB, Washington DC, 20510
Congressman Roger Williams
Email him through his website
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Call him at 202-225-9896
Write to 1323 Longworth HOB, Washington DC, 20515
Congressman Bill Flores
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Call him at 202-225-6105
Write to 2440 Rayburn HOB, Washington DC, 20515
Congressman Lamar Smith
Email him through his website
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Call him at 202-225-4236
Write to 2409 Rayburn HOB, Washington DC, 20515
Congressman Louie Gohmert
Email him through his website
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Call him at 202-225-3035
Write to 2243 Rayburn HOB, Washington DC, 20515