Category Archives: Steiner Ranch

FPPW cheer goes to nationals for second time

This Four Points Pop Warner cheer team was named national champions last month.

Local cheerleaders from the Four Points Pop Warner Junior Pee Wee Black team won first place at the National Champions last month in Florida.

Their season started on Aug. 1 with boot camp where they learned choreography and cheers. Former Pop Warner cheerleaders from middle school helped them with motions and jumps. Austin Tumbling Academy helped them with stunts.

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RM 2222/City Park Rd. Champion Tract sells

Jon Erickson
HPI strategic investments partner

Senior living project expected open in 2021  

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

A high profile piece of real estate in the Four Points area — Champion Tract 3 off RM 2222 at City Park Road — has recently sold and is slated to become a senior living complex.

Two months after the site was approved for development by the Austin City Council, HPI purchased the Champion 3 tract in late December. The site is a 15-acre section of the 144-acre Camelback planned unit development off a to-be-constructed extension of Bridgepoint Parkway, said Jon Erickson, strategic investments partner at HPI, a commercial real estate company. Continue reading

TxDOT breaks ground on 18-month, 2222 project

The red lines show the addition of one through-lane in each direction. The blue lines show the proposed bypass/connector road. Both projects will work together to create better traffic flow and are expected to complete by summer 2020. Source: Texas Department of Transportation

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

The Texas Department of Transportation hosted a groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday for the $23.6 million RM 2222 widening project in Four Points.

Expected to be finished some 18 months from now, the widened will help improve mobility and safety.  

State and local elected officials joined the TxDOT on JAN. 16 to break ground on the first of two projects to improve traffic flow on RM 2222 and RM 620 in Four Points.

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VHS senior stays positive despite medical conditions

Kiersten Dyke, Vandegrift senior from Steiner Ranch, is training her dog Willow to eventually be a therapy dog that she can bring to hospitals and help children. She has gone through her own set of medical challenges over the past 14 months.

By CODI FARMER, Vandegrift Voice

One day Kiersten Dyke was a healthy 16-year-old, and then suddenly she was experiencing many unexplainable symptoms blurry vision, ringing in the ears, extreme sensitivity to sound and light, brain fog, leg weakness causing difficulty walking at times, stomach pain, dizziness and fatigue.

“When I was first going through this, I had no idea what was wrong with me for the first several months. I was confused,” said Kiersten, now a Vandegrift senior.

Since her symptoms started in November 2017, she has visited the ER 10 separate times and has been hospitalized seven times.

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