Category Archives: Steiner Ranch

Rock slides on RM 2222 can’t be predicted, Rain can be a factor in incidents

A rockfall occurred at this site off RM 2222, near the Paradox Cove and Westslope Drive bend, on Jan. 2, resulting in the Texas Department of Transportation closing one lane for a couple of days. Experts say the timing of such rock slides can’t be predicted. LESLEE BASSMAN

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

Following a Jan. 2 rock slide off RM 2222, on the sharp bend between Paradox Cove and Westslope Drive in northwest Austin, the Texas Department of Transportation closed the roadway’s westbound right lane to protect motorists from any additional slides, TxDOT Public Information Officer Bradley Wheelis said. The route reopened Jan. 3, after the agency’s crews spent most of the day clearing rocks that had fallen and taking down any loose boulders from the cliff to limit future rock slides, he said.

According to Wheelis, recent rains in the area loosened the soil around the rocks, causing them to fall and staff waited until the day after the rocks fell to remove them due to the continued wet weather.

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LISD makes national honor roll


Leander ISD is one of 373 school districts in the U.S. and Canada being honored by the College Board with placement on the Ninth Annual AP District Honor Roll. In order to receive the recognition, the district had to, since 2016, increase the number of students participating in AP while also increasing or maintaining the percentage of students earning AP Exam scores of 3 or higher.

In a release, the district said, “Reaching these goals shows that LISD is successfully identifying motivated, academically prepared students who are ready for AP.”

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Utility relocation makes room for 2222 expansion

Since Dec. 3, right of way clearing has been underway along RM 2222 in Four Points. This photo taken at the intersection of River Place Boulevard and RM 2222 on Thursday, Jan. 10 shows the many utility lines that will be moved to make way for widening the busy road. ELLIE SEITZLER

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

The $23.6 million, RM 2222 widening project is underway in the heart of Four Points as utility moving has begun while clearing the right of way continues.

The project is expected to increase road capacity which will improve mobility and cut down on congestion.

“Utility relocation is underway,” said Bradley Wheelis, TxDOT Public Information Officer. Tree clearing started Dec. 3 to stay ahead of endangered bird nesting, he added.

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Steiner 6th grader competes on Kids Baking Championship

Steiner 6th grader Madison Totaro will compete on the newest season of the Food Network competition Kids Baking Championship, which premieres Jan. 7. Access to the in-studio pantry was one of her favorite parts of appearing on the show.

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

Canyon Ridge Middle School 6th grader Madison Totaro is fulfilling a lifelong dream by competing on the the Food Network baking program, “Kids Baking Championship”.

The program will air its first episode Ja. 7 and runs through March. Madison is one of 12 kids competing and one of three from Texas. The winner, according the Food Network, will receive, “the sweet grand prize of $25,000, a feature in Food Network Magazine, and the title of Kids Baking Champion.”

Madison lives in Steiner Ranch with her parents, Mindy and Paul, and her younger sister, Makayla. She also has two dogs who, “are so cute, and they always want to play.”

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