Category Archives: Steiner Ranch

A miracle on stage: VHS performs “Miracle Worker”

Vandegrift students Alex Fletcher, as Helen Keller, and Lily Whitehurse rehearse an emotional scene in “Miracle Worker”. The show opens at VHS on Jan. 17. CLAIRE LAWRENCE

By CLAIRE LAWRENCE, Vandegrift Voice

The black and white words in a thick script ran wild throughout the actors’ minds as they line up one by one at the front of the stage. Lights beam down on their faces, showing their heartfelt emotions. They weren’t sure how to express it, but knew they would have to soon in front of a live audience.

Vandegrift theater students are busy rehearsing “Miracle Worker” which opens Thursday, Jan. 17 and runs four performances.

“I kind of wanted to do a historical piece,” director Jon Alonso said. “Of course I did ‘Irena’s Vow’ last year, which is also historical, and I think it was a great experience. We learned something about history, the costumes were different, and even the way the characters were portrayed was different.”

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2018 VHS grad has 10,000 reasons to celebrate

William Bryan’s (left) birth date and place earned him $10,000 for college, which he is using at Texas A&M University as a freshman engineering student.

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Vandegrift 2018 graduate William Bryan turned 19 on New Year’s, and it was the special day of his arrival in 2000 that is now paying off. His Jan. 1 birth date has given him $10,000 toward college expenses, which he is using at Texas A&M University.

Born at 10:30 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2000, William was rewarded $10,000 toward college as the first child born in 2000 at The Medical Center at Bowling Green.

“The scholarship has been a huge help as it will pay for most of his first year of tuition,” said Keri Bryan, William’s mom.

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Teen pranks lead to assault, vandalism

This vehicle was vandalized in the early hours of Jan. 1 in Steiner Ranch near Wag-A-Bag.

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four  Points News

Recent Travis County Sheriff’s Office and Austin Police Department reports in the Four Points area include two cases where three teenage boys were responsible for pranks that went too far, according to the assault victim.

One resulted in an assault with injury case that happened around 4 a.m. on Jan. 1 in the 3100 block of Country Lake. The other was a case of criminal mischief where a vehicle was vandalized near Wag-A-Bag in the 2900 block of Quinlan Park Road that same morning.

“The case is open and according to the detective, he has strong suspect leads he’s following. No arrests have been made,” said Kristen Dark, TCSO spokesperson, on Thursday.

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Precinct 2’s Shea works with area: Comanche Trail fire drill pilot, 620/2222, bypass, Steiner evac road

By RYAN THORNTON, Austin Monitor

Travis County Precinct 2 Commissioner Brigid Shea told the Austin Monitor in an interview on Dec. 31 that she is accepting what can’t be changed, while fighting for what can.

Some of the changes she is working on are happening in Four Points including her launch of a first-ever Comanche Trail fire drill in early March. The bypass road and widening of portions of both RM 2222 and RM 620 are also in her precinct. Additionally she is involved in the plans for an emergency road out of Steiner Ranch, which is under review now.  

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