Brian Thompto, Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association chair, moderates the Dec. 11 meeting with Travis County in Steiner Ranch. LYNETTE HAALAND
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
More than 150 people crowded into Towne Square Community Center on Dec. 11 as Steiner Ranch residents listened to Travis County’s presentation about proposed evacuation routes, asked questions and gave feedback.
The project has been in the works for years since the 2011 fires that destroyed 23 homes in Steiner. The project was approved $2.7 million in funding in early 2017.
Lately the county shared that more funds are needed to build an evacuation road. That is one reason last week’s presentation from the county focused on route F which is the only option that also would be a permanent road.
Creating a permanent road would allow the project to be eligible for funds from other sources such as Texas Department of Transportation and CAMPO, according to Brigid Shea, Precinct Two County Commissioner who was at the Dec. 11 meeting. Continue reading →