Category Archives: Volente

First-ever Viper homecoming dance set for Oct. 19

Homecoming proposal by Tucker George to Laura Parrish .

For the first time in Vandegrift’s history, the school will have a homecoming dance hosted by the Legacies dance team.  

“Kids and parents have asked for a Vandegrift Homecoming Dance since the school opened 11 years ago, but there were obstacles that discouraged support,” said Jill Wingrove, homecoming dance chair and mom of twin senior girls. 

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Hyatt Place hotel near 620/2222 intersection to open in early 2020

“We are slated to open Feb/March of 2020,” Spades Hospitality’s Navid Karedia said. “(We’ve had) just the typical construction delays. Nothing out of the ordinary. We are trying our best to be open early Q1 of 2020.”

Staff Reports

The 95-room Hyatt Place hotel is nearing completion after more than a year of construction near CVS Pharmacy at the RM 620 intersection of Bullick Hollow Road/RM 2222. 

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LISD considers changing the bell schedule district-wide

Gathering more input 

By APRIL S. KELLEY, Hill Country News

The Leander Independent School District is considering changing the bell schedule across the district to be more efficient with its transportation needs. 

LISD is weighing the possibility of these potential changes to the bell schedule:

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World Class faces foreclosure on former 3M campus

The sale of the former 3M campus off of RM 2222, near RM 620 is scheduled at the Travis County Courthouse on Oct. 1. Recently fencing has been put up to prevent people from driving through the Four Points campus. ERIN SEITZLER

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

A trusted real estate source reported that the former 3M campus at 6801 River Place Blvd. may be heading for foreclosure on Oct. 1. This comes a month after the Austin offices of World Class Holding — the owner of the 156-acre former 3M campus — were raided by the Federal Bureau of  Investigation.

Journalist Jan Buchholz, an award-winning real estate and business reporter most recently with Austin Business Journal, posted on the ATX Real Estate News website that there was a notice of trustee sale filed on Sept. 9 for the former 3M campus site, which was renamed Silicon Hills Campus LLC.

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