Category Archives: Westminster Glen

LTFR recaps 5-vehicle rollover collision that sent 10 to the hospital, backing up traffic for thousands of motorists
Updates about RM 620 safety
By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News
On May 16, around 1:45 p.m., a Lake Travis Fire Rescue engine carrying four firefighters left its lane and crossed over the center of RM 620, hitting four vehicles before stopping on the roadside, LTFR Battalion Chief Michael Prather said. LTFR also serves the communities of River Place, Steiner Ranch, Comanche Trail and Marshall Ford as Emergency Services District 6.
The engine was returning to its home, Fire Station 604 at 5939 Comanche Trail, Austin, when the incident occurred, sending 10 out of the 12 persons involved in the accident to area hospitals including Round Rock Medical Center and Baylor Scott & White-Lakeway, he said.
As of Saturday, May 19, all four firefighters were released from the hospital, with three released on the day of the accident and the fourth released just after 10:45 a.m. on May 19, said Braden Frame, vice president of the Lake Travis Fire Fighters Association.
Mathis places 7th, 9th at state
Vandegrift sophomore Jordan Mathis placed 7th in the 1600 at the 6A State Track & Field meet on Saturday at the University of Texas with a time of 5:05.45, and Mathis placed 9th in the 3200 with a time of 11:18.44. Continue reading
National spelling champ to compete at national geography bee
By MADISON PHARIS, Four Points News
Nihar Janga, 7th grader from Canyon Ridge Middle School, will compete in the 2018 National Geographic State Bee in Washington D.C. May 20-23.
On April 6, more than 4,600 students across the United States participated in the National Geographic State Bees, with a winner declared in each eligible state and territory.

Key meetings cover RM 620 N congestion

The Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association May 8 meeting in Steiner Ranch had 30 or so in attendance. Much of the focus of the open forum meeting was about RM 620 North and how it was left out of the latest round of CAMPO funding.
CAMPO fails to fund fixes now, SRNA talks next steps
By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News
Several key meetings last week with local, area and state leaders shed light on proposed funding and fixes along RM 620 North — past, present and future. Residents shared during the comment periods, asking questions and urging relief to traffic congestion.
The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) met on May 7 and failed to pass any additional funding for the northern section of RM 620, as projected.